Thursday, 24-October-2024 14:56
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JMP rally offends military and security, provokes governorates
Shamlan is nothing but a puppet for the opposition parties to execute their PR agenda in this campai ...
No security incidents reported during election campaigns
you probably should not be too optimistic - too early to say
Sudanese official arrives in Sana'a
HI this intersting web sait and usefull .ihope to find alot of information about yemen beacause we ...
Sudanese official arrives in Sana'a
i like all yhe artical in this pAGE .SO I WANT TO THANK YOU
President Saleh returns home after 3-nation tour
Try to be honest to yourselves and don't steal articles which you didn't translate. Translator of t ...
Almotamar Net - The main permanent committee of the General Peoples Congress (GPC) has expressed its much regret for those languid and irresponsible stances adopted by some of the political action partners regarding some issues fabricated by some parties or individuals or groups with the aim of their attempt to impinge upon national constants or the endeavour to create a state of chaos and confusion to impede the march of development and construction and inflicting damage to the unity.

Sunday, 26-August-2007 - The main permanent committee of the General People's Congress (GPC) has expressed its much regret for those languid and irresponsible stances adopted by some of the political action partners regarding some issues fabricated by some parties or individuals or groups with the aim of their attempt to impinge upon national constants or the endeavour to create a state of chaos and confusion to impede the march of development and construction and inflicting damage to the unity.

The permanent committee also warned against what is happening under the umbrella of the Joint Meeting Parties (JMP) in violation of the absolute national constants, calling on the opposition to comprehend that opposition is required and acceptable in the framework of the constants, the republic, the unity, the ideology and constitutional legitimacy.

In its closing statement issued by its ordinary session Sunday the permanent committee criticised some leaderships of the Yemen Socialist Party (YSP) that it described as tensed up because of what the committee said as attempts by those leaderships to impinge upon the national unity and that those leaderships expressed their regretfully hostile stance that is conflicting with the people's constants of republic, the revolution and the unity.

The committee's statement confirmed the GPC's shouldering of the historical responsibility for defence of unity and social peace, considering that poisoning the political life by falsifying awareness and taking advantage of the people needs and demands as but an attempt aimed to sow seeds of sedition, rebellion and fabrication of crises.

With respect to development and financial and administrative reforms the committee emphasizes that the government should necessarily speed up implementation of president Ali Abdullah Saleh's instructions regarding the achievement of food security according to a strategy and time programme guaranteeing self-sufficiency of grains through protection of arable lands, encouraging and using agriculture for grains production of all kinds, finding laws preventing agriculture of qat in the lands good for planting grains, guaranteeing the existence of strategic stock of grains and breaking monopoly.

The permanent committee praised the setting up of the Supreme National Anti-Corruption Authority and the accelerated steps that have been taken for protection of the public property, mainly the issuance of the law of tenders and bids and the serious steps in the framework of judicial reforms particularly restructuring and formation of the Supreme Judiciary Council and selection of its chairman from the judicial power.

The committee valued president Saleh's directives concerning the necessity of developing and improving performance of different institutions of the state and the work for developing and improving the government administration, raising efficiency of its apparatuses as well as ending cases of overlapping and repetition of specialties and reconsideration of its organisational and function structures and developing its legislations.

The GPC permanent t committee stressed the necessity of developing the banking system through legislations enabling foreign investors to invest in banks, reconsideration of the monetary policy, giving agriculture and fish sectors priority in the government attention through continuation in carrying out agricultural and rural development programmes.

The statement also stressed the importance of taking necessary procedures for tackling the speeding developments of world price rise and to hold accountable those who manipulate people's food s well as to create permanent and continuous mechanism for providing foodstuffs and look for new sources for realizing food security.

The committee's statement also praised the president's directives on improving living conditions of state employees and the retired, launching the second stage of the national strategy of wages and salaries. It has also praised the great efforts by the president in treating conditions of the retired.

The committee valued the government's efforts in economic reforms and tackling price fluctuations and confirmed the necessity that all concerned parties should get acquainted with the president's election programme.

The committee emphasised he importance of strengthening monitoring of hospitals and private clinics and to be sure of good health care in them in line with medical and controls adopted by the health ministry and the necessity of speeding up issuance of health insurance and social law and implementation of the national strategy for youth and childhood. It affirmed continuation of efforts for tourist development, encourage investment and issuance of a law regulating carrying and possessing weapons and prevention of armed phenomena all over the republic.

Regarding general, technical and vocational and higher, education the committee recommended development of educational curricula in the manner embodying unity of thought and ideology and stabilizing national loyalty in the minds of juveniles and the youth. It recommended integration of concepts of freedom, democracy and human rights with school curricula, confirming the necessity of government supervision on all educational institutions, technical and vocational institute and universities, government and private.

With regard to expatriates the committee recommended on the importance of giving care o them and following up their situations and they should be associated with the homeland and inform them on investment opportunities to invent in their homeland with offering all services to solve their problems.

Concerning the GPC organisation area the committee authorized the general committee and the general secretariat to revise the rules of procedure and make amendments that agree with the recent developments and political and organisational changeables. The committee praised the efforts for preparation and active and high transparent participation in ordinary meetings of the local permanent committees in the governorates. It recommended continuation in developing the organisation, its mechanism and programs. It stressed laying foundation of democratic practice and strengthening integrated work in all organisations of the GPC, affirming the importance of the GPC distinguished media address which embodies the goals and precepts in the thought of the national charter and stabilization of unity, freedom and democracy.

The committee stressed activation of the woman organisation role in all leading and basis organisations of the party in the governorates and districts and to take interest in her qualification and training to empower her in taking part in the process of development and democracy.

On the foreign policy the permanent committee valued the advanced level of the foreign policy whose features were drawn by President Ali Abdullah Saleh through his endeavour for creating developed relations with various countries of the world. The committee expressed its appreciation of president's efforts in enhancing international regional peace and the active role in adopting initiatives and solutions of differences in a number of countries in the region particularly in Somalia, Palestine, Iraq and Lebanon. It praised the developed level of the relation between Yemen and the Gulf Cooperation Council states and the practical development between the countries of Sana'a grouping. The committee reiterated Yemen's demand to the world countries on the necessity of supporting the Somali people to overcome their ordeal and realize their security and stability.

The committee appealed to Palestinian and Lebanese peoples for brushing aside internal differences and to work for the unity of the rank and heal the rift to confront the foreign enemy and enhance the national adherence and abort the Zionist enemy intention to destabilize bonds of the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples national integration. It renewed its call to Fatah and Hamas to adopt the Arab initiative.

The permanent committee reiterated Yemen's stand by the side of Sudan in the way achieving its security and stability, its unity and safety of its territories. The committees also condemned the terrorist acts and practices which Yemen were exposed to the latest of which was the terrorist act that targeted tourists in Marib governorate.

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