Thursday, 24-October-2024 14:56
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JMP rally offends military and security, provokes governorates
Shamlan is nothing but a puppet for the opposition parties to execute their PR agenda in this campai ...
No security incidents reported during election campaigns
you probably should not be too optimistic - too early to say
Sudanese official arrives in Sana'a
HI this intersting web sait and usefull .ihope to find alot of information about yemen beacause we ...
Sudanese official arrives in Sana'a
i like all yhe artical in this pAGE .SO I WANT TO THANK YOU
President Saleh returns home after 3-nation tour
Try to be honest to yourselves and don't steal articles which you didn't translate. Translator of t ...
Monday, 28-August-2006
Almotamar Net - SANAA- Head of General Peoples Congress (GPC) Foreign Affairs Office, Mohammed Abu Lohoum, denied the GPC or anyone of its supports had exerted pressures on citizens to vote for its presidential candidate. By: Aref Abu Hatem - SANA'A- Head of General People's Congress (GPC) Foreign Affairs Office, Mohammed Abu Lohoum, denied the GPC or anyone of its supports had exerted pressures on citizens to vote for its presidential candidate.

"The GPC never exerts any kind of pressures. Working towards attracting voters during election campaigns is a legal act. The GPC is present throughout the country, and its framework is based on an institutional work," Abu Lohoum said in an interview with al-Nass weekly newspaper.

Abu Lohoum added if the GPC had no sincere inclinations towards multiplicity, it wouldn't run for the September elections. "Doubting the elections beforehand doesn't serve anyone, and can be interpreted as escaping from the results especially in the presence of local and international election observers. We are confident our presidential candidate has gained wide popularity. It is for the interest of the country when Saleh stands office in the coming stage in order to stabilize democracy and multiplicity, and enhance the concept of peaceful transfer of power. We are in no doubt that citizens will vote for him," he stated.

As for corruption accusations made by opposition parties, Abu Lohoum said, "If we want to make public corruption accounts, corrupts are found in every party. There is no need to elaborate on this as it doesn't serve anyone…We should look at a bright, prosperous Yemen, go hand in hand to fight corrupts in the coming stage. Corruption is a lengthy account, with everyone trying to exaggerate it… I see that everyone has to adopt practical steps. Our candidate's platform is clear in this regard as it talked about issuing anti-corruption law… We should all activate the principle of holding corrupts accountable, referring them to court, and make them known in media, as is clear in the presidential platform. The GPC has to take such a responsibility."

Replying to a question about Bakil tribes' standing by the Joint Meeting Parties (JMP)'s presidential candidate against GPC's presidential candidate, who belongs to Hashid tribe, Abu Lohoum said, "I am surprised at this kind of information, as if Bakil and Hashid were molds prepared to back up this or oppose that… Bakil and Hashid are, rather, part of the national structure, part of the Yemeni people and its hopes and ambitions. The worries of many of these tribes are the worries of any citizen: education, health, services… The party that would carry out most of these tribal-related needs, then tribes will stand by it…I totally disagree with anyone that says Bakil and Hashid will stand by a candidate against another candidate. Today the stage is different, and the situation in which the country and region live necessitates that all of us should stand united and serve the country."

Abu Lohoum got surprised at the newspaper's putting forth news regarding President Saleh's visit to al-Iman University. "When we talk about religious legitimacy, in Yemen there is no radicalism, and no political party in Yemen can exaggerate other party's religious side… President Saleh's visit to al-Iman University is not the first of its kind. It was he who laid the foundation stone of the University. Honestly speaking, President's stance was clear and frank, and this university is of importance for us all, and so we should not let others raise a doubt about it," Abu Lohoum commented.
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