Tuesday, 15-November-2005
Almotamar Net - President Ali Abdullah Saleh returned to Sanaa on Tuesday after a successful 12-day tour took him to Japan, 
the UnitedStates and France in which a number of political, economical and securitytopics were tackled in order to reinforce 
Yemens relations with those countries Almotamar Net - President Ali Abdullah Saleh returned to Sana'a on Tuesday after a successful 12-day tour took him to Japan,
the UnitedStates and France in which a number of political, economical and securitytopics were tackled in order to reinforce
Yemen's relations with those countries.

In his tour, President Saleh discussed international efforts for fighting terror and economic reforms in Yemen in addition to how to
develop democracyin the region on the light of recommendations of the summit of the G-8to push back hunger and unemployment.

At his arrival, Saleh stated to Saba that he was satisfied to the results of his tour which came up with reinforcing Yemen's
relationships withthose countries and obtaining support for economic, democratic and financial development in Yemen.

Moreover, Yemen attained support to complete its drive in fighting terror, which has been noticeably decreased in the country and gained
donor countries'admiration.

"Yemen exposed its point views over reforms and the situation in Iraq, Palestine, Somali and the Horn of Africa region in addition to Mehlis report and Security Council resolutions No. 1559 - 1636.

"We also asked for liberating Iraq and ending occupation to give a chance for Iraqis build their country and govern themselves," Saleh
This story was printed at: Thursday, 07-November-2024 Time: 03:10 AM
Original story link: http://www.almotamar.net/en/120.htm