Thursday, 24-July-2008
Almotamar Net - Sources close to Advisor to the President of the Republic, the Secretary General of the General Peoples Congress (GPC) Abdulqader Bajammal said Thursday that his health has noticeably improved and has left the hospital in London where was receiving treatment several days ago . - Sources close to Advisor to the President of the Republic, the Secretary General of the General People's Congress (GPC) Abdulqader Bajammal said Thursday that his health has noticeably improved and has left the hospital in London where was receiving treatment several days ago .

The sources added that Mr Abdulqader Bajammal is presently spending a period convalescence before returning home. Mr Bajammal was affected with brain stroke while he was in Malaysia. President Ali Abdullah Saleh has used to ask about Bajammal health continuously by telephone communications and giving directives for providing all kinds of medical care so that to get recovered and to return to the country.

This story was printed at: Saturday, 21-September-2024 Time: 01:07 AM
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