Almotamar Net - Yemen’s Foreign Minister Dr Abu Bakr al-Qirbi on Sunday revealed that intelligence and security organisations are behind the calls for secession, declining to divulge them to convenient time.

Monday, 25-May-2009 - Yemen’s Foreign Minister Dr Abu Bakr al-Qirbi on Sunday revealed that intelligence and security organisations are behind the calls for secession, declining to divulge them to convenient time.

“When suitable time comes we shall declare about them but what concerns us at the present is how to tackle matters inside Yemen because if we manage to do that all those who attempt to fish in troubled waters would miss the opportunity,” al-Qirbi said

In his statements on the sidelines of his participation in the conference of the Organisation of Islamic Conference OIC’s States foreign ministers held in Damascus, Dr al-Qirbi confirmed that statements by Ali Salem al-Biedh are a repetition of the stand he had declared in the year 1994 and his call for secession which the Yemeni people, rather than the Yemeni government, had defeated. The unity for the people is of Yemen is an issue of destiny, “and we see it as an Arab accomplishment before its being a Yemeni achievement.”

He pointed out that the responsibility of preserving the unity is on the shoulders of the Arab and Yemeni people , adding there is a responsibility for keeping security and stability in the Arab region as t part of the Arab strategy because what threatens Yemen at present may threaten another state , whether in the Gulf or Egypt or others.

Dr al-Qirbi said the problems that Yemen is suffering are resulting from difficult economic situations it is experiencing and he pointed out that here are some administrative mistakes that happened but he does not think there is a country in the world where there are no problems; rich countries are suffering as a result of the world financial crisis. The minister pointed out to the recent call by President Ali Abdullah Saleh for the dialogue via conferences the local councils scheduled to be launched the beginning of next June.

The minister reiterated affirmation that Yemen would not allow establishing bases for any country on its territories and its constitution prohibits that. He said that does not mean that Yemen denies giving services to war ships that want supplies of water and fuel at its ports.

He added that in its participation in the OIC foreign ministers conference Yemen emphasised the issue of establishing econ0omic interests among Islamic states

This story was printed at: Saturday, 21-September-2024 Time: 12:53 AM
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