Thursday, 27-October-2005
Almotamar Net - PM Abdul Qader Ba-Jammal SABA - In a press conference, the Prime Minister Abdul Qader Ba-Jammal and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan
that thejoint talks between the two countries were successful.

They said in the conference, which was held in Sana'a International Airport Wednesday that the talks resulted in signing three agreements
to organizecooperation between the two countries in double taxation, oil, gas andprotection of environment in addition to signing memorandum of understandingto establish a joint council for Yemeni-Turkish businessmen.

Ba-Jammal said that the talks discussed political, economic and cultural issues of common concern as well as positions of the two
countries towardthe latest regional and international development.

The talks also emphasized importance of supporting Islamic work through organization of Islamic Conference and gathering efforts to
fight terrorism,he said.

For his part, the Turkish Prime Minister said that the visit was good opportunity for evaluating economic and political relations between the two countries.

"We feel that there is a real desire from the Yemeni side to develop relations of cooperation in diffident arenas," he said, adding that
the two sidesagreed to sign agreement of the civil aviation during the coming meeting of the Yemeni-Turkish joint committee in Ankara
next February.

He said that the joint talks with the Yemeni officials indicated to
theregional issues of common concern such as the current situations in Iraq, Palestine and Cyprus , confirming the positions of the two countries were in these issues were identical.

He said that his talks with The President Ali Abdullah Saleh were fruitful, adding that he listened from the President Saleh to desire of Yemen to enhance economic, political, trade and cultural cooperation with Turkey.
Resource: SABA
This story was printed at: Saturday, 21-September-2024 Time: 12:56 AM
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