Tuesday, 24-July-2007
Almotamar Net - Yemens Vice-President Abidrabeh Mansour Hadi has Tuesday urged security authorities to strictly punish those who violate the public safety of the society and asked the local and executive responsible authorities to work for avoiding tribal revenge cases. He considered those perpetrating vengeance acts as exposing security to shaking and they must be chased and punished. Almotamar.net - Yemen's Vice-President Abidrabeh Mansour Hadi has Tuesday urged security authorities to strictly punish those who violate the public safety of the society and asked the local and executive responsible authorities to work for avoiding tribal revenge cases. He considered those perpetrating vengeance acts as exposing security to shaking and they must be chased and punished.

The vice president said the entire Yemeni people have experienced the internal conflicts and division and they have struggled for the aspired for future and stability.

Attending a meeting organised by leadership of the governorate of Abyan and the local council of Hadramout as well as leaderships of administration, youth and social personalities, civil society organisations he affirmed that the wheel of history does not go back and time could not return to the past.

The vice president also confirmed that the national unity would always be the foundation of development, security and stability. There is no development without security and stability, he said. The vice president indicated that there are some who trespass gains of the homeland and the constants agreed on and that must not be encroached by anyone.

"We have said more than once there maybe some mistakes or negatives and it is possible to criticise them logically and constructively and it is possible to criticise all forms of corruption but without acting in a manner that can be a popular instigation, and those who have encroached would inevitably be defeated or dwarfed." The vice president said.

This story was printed at: Saturday, 21-September-2024 Time: 01:03 AM
Original story link: http://www.almotamar.net/en/3087.htm