Almotamar Net - In its meeting on Wednesday the Yemeni cabinet renewed its condemnation of the acts of sabotage and riot behind which stand those elements from remnants of apostasy and secessionism. Those elements are trying to disseminate the culture of hatred and anarchy among the sons of the one homeland and attempt to harm Yemen and its unity and the public social peace.

Wednesday, 29-April-2009 - In its meeting on Wednesday the Yemeni cabinet renewed its condemnation of the acts of sabotage and riot behind which stand those elements from remnants of apostasy and secessionism. Those elements are trying to disseminate the culture of hatred and anarchy among the sons of the one homeland and attempt to harm Yemen and its unity and the public social peace.
The cabinet considered the topic of sabotage and riot acts perpetrated by outlaw elements and those violating the constitution and instigating sedition through acts of sabotage and riot, chaos, disturbing security and stability in addition to offending of the homeland in each of Zanjibar, Mukalla and Radafan.

The cabinet considered that those acts would in any way succeed in affecting the unity of the country that is existed to stay firm and protected by the will of the people and their constitutional institutions but they in fact just work for hindering effort of development and damaging interests of the contrary and the people.

The government has also confirmed that all those elements involved in committing those acts would be subjected to the legal accountability and would receive the deterrent punishment.
This story was printed at: Saturday, 21-September-2024 Time: 12:51 AM
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