Almotamar Net - Vice President Abdo Rabo Mansour Hadi described his visit to Oman as successful. In a statement to Saba upon arrival on Thursday, Hadi indicated that his talks with Omani officials were about a number of issues concerning relations between the two countries and regional and international developments, especially those related to piracy and international presence  in Somali coasts and Arabian Sea and the Red Sea.

Thursday, 18-June-2009, Saba - Vice President Abdo Rabo Mansour Hadi described his visit to Oman as successful. In a statement to Saba upon arrival on Thursday, Hadi indicated that his talks with Omani officials were about a number of issues concerning relations between the two countries and regional and international developments, especially those related to piracy and international presence in Somali coasts and Arabian Sea and the Red Sea.

The talks also included coordinating the two countries' efforts in fighting terrorism crossing borders and continents and exchanging information on this regard.

He unearthed that the message he conveyed to Sultan Qaboos bin Said of Oman from President Ali Abdullah Saleh had dealt with brotherly relations and latest developments on Arab and International level.

The vice president indicated that the Omani Sultan asked him to convey answer message to Saleh's he conveyed to Qaboos yesterday. The Omani Sultan message affirmed Oman's support to Yemen's unity and stability.

This story was printed at: Saturday, 21-September-2024 Time: 01:04 AM
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