Almotamar Net - The Riyadhs hirelings in Taiz province besieged on Tuesday al-Sarari village in Sabr al-Mawadem district.

A military official said the hirelings opened fires on houses in the village, adding no further information about casualties.

The hirelings also targeted Bani Haidan, Maswara, Bani Bareq areas in Nehm district of Sanaa province with medium weapons.

Wednesday, 15-June-2016 - The Riyadh's hirelings in Taiz province besieged on Tuesday al-Sarari village in Sabr al-Mawadem district.

A military official said the hirelings opened fires on houses in the village, adding no further information about casualties.

The hirelings also targeted Bani Haidan, Maswara, Bani Bareq areas in Nehm district of Sana'a province with medium weapons.

The hostile warplanes flew on the skies of Jawf, Mareb, Taiz and Hajjah provinces and at low altitude on Hodeida province.
This story was printed at: Friday, 03-May-2024 Time: 09:56 PM
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